Investment Philosophies pdf에 대해 알아보도록 하겠습니다. 이 글을 처음부터 끝까지 읽다 보면 Investment Philosophies pdf에 대해 아는데 도움이 될 것입니다. Investment Philosophies pdf가 필요하신 분들은 전체 글을 읽어주세요. 아래의 문서에서 정보를 드리겠습니다.
"Damodaran is a well-informed scholar with a gift for organized, clearly written syntheses of complex topics in modern finance. With Investment Philosophies he provides the uncensored facts about winning in the market place. If you are a fund manager, an investor, or simply a student of finance, you will want to read this book."
–Tom Copeland
Managing Director of Corporate Finance, Monitor Group
"Professor Damodaran has zeroed in on the most important missing element of many investment management processes: a clearly defined investment philosophy which can serve as a beacon in difficult markets. He offers a cornucopia of philosophies and strategies that have worked for many of the most successful investors, and which have stood the test of time."
–Rob Arnott
Chairman, First Quadrant, LP; Editor, Financial Analysts Journal
"As an investor, I always have to look back to my philosophy and strategy for taking risk and making money. This book is an invaluable aid for ‘taking stock’ before buying stock. It lays out the concepts and tools for understanding the basics of risk and return in the stock market, and presents a framework for any investor to construct his or her own investment philosophy."
–Mitch Julis
Managing Partner, Canyon Capital Advisors
Choosing an investment philosophy is the heart of successful investing. To make the choice, though, you need to look within before you look outside. In Investment Philosophies: Successful Strategies and the Investors Who Made Them Work, Aswath Damodaran will help you do this by going beyond the simple explanations of traditional and alternative investment strategies, to discuss the individual underlying philosophies that support these techniques.
Investment Philosophies explores many of the time-tested strategies that have allowed investors to reap rewards over the years, including value investing, growth investing, technical analysis, market timing, arbitrage, and indexing.
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